Pregnancy & Birth, The 3 Trimesters July 16, 2020 July 16, 2020 Second Trimester: 27 Weeks Pregnancy Progress by Khairunnisa / 2792 reads In no time, you are in your 27th week of pregnancy. You are (finally!) in the last week of the second trimester and next…
Pregnancy & Birth, The 3 Trimesters July 5, 2020 July 9, 2020 Second Trimester: When You Are 23 Weeks Pregnant by Khairunnisa / 591 reads In the 23 weeks of pregnancy, your baby can start to listen on what is going in the outside world. He is likely to…
Pregnancy & Birth, The 3 Trimesters July 3, 2020 July 2, 2020 Second Trimester: 22 Weeks Pregnant by Khairunnisa / 4063 reads It’s getting crowded in there! Now that you are 22 weeks pregnant, your rapidly growing baby is invading your space. At the same time,…
Pregnancy & Birth, The 3 Trimesters April 18, 2020 April 28, 2020 Second Trimester: Baby’s Growth, Pregnancy Symptoms, and More During Week 14 by Khairunnisa / 3274 reads Hello to your baby in week 14! This week, your little treasure is now starting to show interesting facial expressions (awhhh). As for you,…