
Wellness is a comprehensive collection of information, guides, preventative procedures, illnesses, advice, tips and many more from the experts. Our little darlings’ immune system is not the same as us the adults. We know how important it is for every parent to take care of their children from day 1. Perhaps not everything but increasing (and improving), read articles from our Wellness if you have any concern regarding your children’s health. Take extra precaution and go extra miles when you prepare yourself before anything bad happen. Get the information you need only from Motherhood Story.

Understanding Colic in Baby


Colic or abdominal pain or cramps are sudden attacks of gut irritation, bloatedness and discomfort. It may present as prolonged crying i.e. unsettled baby…

chickenpox in pregnancy

Chickenpox in Pregnancy


If you’ve never had chickenpox before, and you catch it during pregnancy, it can be dangerous for you and your baby. However, this is…

Dealing with diaper rash


Diaper rash is marked by red, angry and vulnerable-looking skin in the diaper region – buttocks, thighs and genitals. A baby with diaper rash…

Common baby skin problems


If there is one inevitable thing about a baby’s skin, it’s bound to be rash-prone during the first year.  Babies have the most sensitive…

In A Glance: Colic


What is it? Highlighted Defined as inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy and well-cared-for baby, colic usually occurs for more than three hours a…

Fever in babies


A fever usually indicates that your child’s little body is busy fighting an infection. Listed here are the symptoms to watch out for. Use…

Dealing with Flu in babies


The flu can be especially dangerous to young babies. It is caused by the influenza virus. Children under two years old who become infected…

Baby coughs


Coughing in babies and toddlers is very common. The sound of a bad cough from a little child can be alarming to some, but…

What’s Your Flavour?


Introducing your baby to lots of different flavours will help prevent her from turning into a fussy eater. Not only does a varied diet…

Hearty Meals


Nothing is more welcoming than a thick stew or hot fruit purée. Such wholesome meals can provide all the goodness your baby needs. This…

Eye See You!


Understanding eye issues in young children Healthy eyes and vision are often overlooked by parents when it comes to the well-being of their children….