Mother, Baby & Kids

Your Child Needs Water, but When and How Much?

In the tropical climate of Malaysia, water is important to keep us hydrated throughout the day. Water is the essence which is included in most bodily functions, from digestion and circulation through to the control of body temperature and the excretion of waste products. It IS a hardworking component that is continuously being used in our body. That is why it is important to keep you and your child stay hydrated all the time. 

Read on to find out how and when is the right time for you to give your child the appropriate amount of water:


  • Breast milk is enough.

Breastfed children derive nutrients and hydration from breast milk and do not require plain water. Breast milk consists of 88% water and it supplies your baby with all the fluids and nutrients he/she needs. Lactation experts World Health Organization (WHO) opine that exclusively breastfed babies up to 6 months old do not require additional water. The amount of water in breast milk and formula is sufficient for the baby after taking into account water that is lost to expel waste and through breathing.

  • Water in a newborn can take up his tummy space. 

Newborns also do not require water as it has no calories but takes up tummy space. This results in your baby feeling “full” without getting any nutrients and in turn, your child may experience weight loss or increased bilirubin levels.

  • Newborn’s kidneys are still fragile.

Besides this, the kidneys of a newborn are not capable of handling too much fluid. Water causes their kidneys to flush out electrolytes and sodium which leads to dehydration.

Please be mindful that the only instance when you should bend the no-water rule for children under 6-months is at the advice of a licensed pediatrician.

6 months onwards

As your newborn blossoms into an infant, every day is the dawn of a new surprise (or surprises). Watch as your infant starts to flip over with ease during tummy time, and express curiosity at everything around him/her, especially when you are snacking. Let them delight in discovering food and drinks that have long ceased to amaze you.

  • Plain water in a sippy cup is way better!

Now and then, do give your child sips of plain water in a sippy cup (it’s also to practice motor skills). The recommended amount of water at this age is 2 ounce per 24 hours as more would interfere with his milk intake, the main source of nutrients.

  • A little goes a long way.

Once your child is regularly on solids, give him/her a small amount of water after each meal keep constipation at bay. It is still important to note that water does not replace breast milk or formula at this stage.

  • Keeping up with your toddler’s activities. 

As your child becomes a toddler, you may increase the amount of water he drinks to keep up with his increased level of activities. Around this time, parents would have noticed that the intake of milk has slowed considerably due to your toddler’s interest in solids and snacks in between. Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal!

Drink Better with Jantzen Water Purifier

Jantzen provides good quality water at an affordable price to keep you and your family healthy. Health is wealth, and you can’t put a price to it! For parents who are just starting their budding families, babies especially are encouraged to drink water at 6 months old. Besides this, parents who formula feed their children can rest in peace with the superb quality of Jantzen water. 

At Jantzen, you can safely consume water knowing that it is “nothing less than the most reliable water filtration dispenser” and the quality product is reflected in every stage of the filtration and delivery process. Unlike other brands in the market who wash their 6-inch filters every 2 months, Jantzen replaces its 10-inch filter with a brand new one every 3 months. Cleaner water, healthier you – that’s a WIN in our book!

Featuring a 4-step purification, Jantzen water dispensers ensure your water is always safe for consumption and daily uses. 

Besides this, there are a few water dispensers to choose from to serve your family’s needs. Young families will be pleased to know that the “Le’Gray” and “Gray” models are equipped with child-lock and both machines dispense hot and cold water to suit every occasion.

Remember, the general consensus on the recommended water intake is about 2 litres a day and the encouraged method is to drink it evenly spread over the course of the day. Stay hydrated! 

The advice above is based on researches and general opinion. For more information and clarity regarding your child and water consumption, please seek the opinion of a medical professional.

To enjoy water at the convenience of your fingertips, visit Jantzen Water Purifier.

This article is written in collaboration with

Jantzen, delivering water for every occasion throughout Klang Valley

1300 88 1313 / 8800 1533 | 012-565 5133 |