Mother, Baby & Kids

Dealing With A Messy Kitchen? 5 Tips and Tricks In Organising Your Kitchen!

organize kitchen

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Have you ever heard of this phrase, “kitchen is a mother’s heaven?”.  I bet every mother loves an organised and tidy kitchen! Let’s be honest, don’t we all love an organized kitchen? 

I believe a kitchen is the heart of the house! This is a place where comfort and love come together. Some mothers spend most of their time in the kitchen making food for their beloved family and it gets unorganised and messy at times.

Mothers have to cook, clean and sometimes the kitchen does not look presentable and that can be changed with some simple tips and tricks that can be done easily!

Dear Mummies, instead of doing this on your own, I would highly suggest for you to do it as a fun activity and bonding time with your husband and children.

As a result, you will not only have an organised kitchen but also create beautiful memories together.

Are you ready to optimise space & productivity with some seriously genius kitchen organising ideas? Take your notebook ready and make sure not to miss the details!

5 Life-Changing Tips and Tricks To An Organised Kitchen 

  • Purge it Out!


Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

Yes, Mum! I know you surely have the habit of keeping unnecessary items and they may or not have expired.

Sit down and have a moment to declutter all the items that you have never used or can’t be used anymore. Trust me, you don’t need them! These irrelevant items are taking a lot of your spaces and it makes your kitchen looks cramped. 

  • Define your Section

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Now that you are done with removing all the unneeded items, you need to arrange your kitchen tools and food according to their own group. 

This will benefit you tremendously because you will be able to remember where exactly you can find it without even having to search them for 10 minutes long!

You will need to set a specific place for your kitchen tools, plate, mugs, pots, pans, dry goods and others according to their categories.

  • Storage Boxes!

Photo Credit: Pinterest

This is the game-changer, Mummies. I would HIGHLY suggest for you to get a storage box that varies from sizes so that you can put your kitchen items and food accordingly.

Storage boxes allow you to save spaces and most importantly it is organised. Your kitchen will look perfect and aesthetically pleasing. Another fun tip, you can label your storage boxes with your own creativity and designs! 

  • Get a Divider

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

Sometimes you just don’t know where exactly to put your knives, forks and spoons. So, the best way to organise these items is by using a kitchen divider!

Well, you can get it anywhere such as at your local hardware shop and any online stores. You can insert the divider in a kitchen drawer and just assemble the tools in. Easy peasy lemon squeezy and it gets the job done!

  • Kitchen Cart Saves the Day!

Photo Credit: Make Calm Lovely

Do you have a small kitchen? If yes, this one is PERFECT for you, Mummies.

Worry not and don’t stress out because I know exactly what you need. A rolling kitchen cart is a life-saver in the kitchen because it is small in size but it has levels of storage space where you can put all your essential items like spices, salt, pepper, oil, chilli sauce and many others.

Sometimes, I understand that you have a lot to store in the kitchen and a kitchen cart will definitely be useful. 

Extra Ideas To Make Your Kitchen More Organised! 

Here are some tips shared by The Every Girl!

  • Install a hanging rack for pots and pans to free up cupboard space.
  • Wire shelving or pull out units are mega handy – especially under the sink.
  • Utilise wall space (magnetic knife holders, fresh hanging herbs, hooks for hanging almost anything!).
  • Install a corkboard on the inside of your cupboard doors to hang small items or display your most-used recipes.

Last but not least, just take a moment to focus on how your kitchen is doing after one month.

Define and reevaluate any problem areas. Most importantly, try to keep it organised and make a declutter session once in two months. You can also try this kitchen hacks on how to make your cooking ingredient last longer

Remember, a clean and an organised kitchen will make you feel happy and content. You will find yourself in the kitchen at ease when you have a space that has been put together coordinately.

Make sure to have fun with the process and journey along the way!