Mother, Baby & Kids

Smoking In pregnancy

Why should I not smoke during pregnancy?

Smoking has a lot of detrimental effect not only to your baby but also yourself. The following is what smoking could do to you and your baby:
  • Increase chance of miscarriage.
  • Increase risk of preterm delivery due to preterm labour or placenta abruption.
  • Increase risk of growth restriction and lower birth weight.
  • Decreases the amount of nutrient and oxygen going to your baby.
  • Increase risk of sudden infant death / cot death.
  • Increase risk of your baby developing recurrent colds, chest infection, middle ear infection, learning difficulties and growth problems later on.
  • Difficulty in taking care of the baby after birth as she/ he tends to cry more perhaps due to nicotine withdrawal.
  • Increase risk of cancer for you.
  • Reduces your energy level during pregnancy.
  • Makes you look older that your age.
  • Reduces the amount of money that goes wasted on buying cigarettes which could have used instead to buy nice things for yourself and your baby.
How can I stop smoking?
  •  Ask your doctor on how you could stop smoking. Be aware even nicotine patches could also effect your baby
  • Join a support group to stop smoking
  • Change your daily habits. For e.g if you normally smoke after your meals try reading magazines or newspaper or maybe going for a walk
  • Avoid places or social activities that is associated with smoking
  • Ask support from your partner, relative and friends
  • If your partner smokes too, make a pact to quit smoking together!