Mother, Baby & Kids

Vow To Work On Your Weaknesses Today (Especially For Procrastinators)

You can stay away from procrastination if you are accountable.

Photo credit: Pexels

Do you ever wish you had 48 hours in a day? Procrastination happens no matter how much time we have, if we do not cultivate the right daily habits!

Working as a full-time educator, I’ve always heard my colleagues (especially working moms) complaining about the lack of time and motivation.

“Why does my to-do list look like a never-ending script?”

“I am so tired! How is it possible for Shavon (not real name) to achieve so much?”

Yet, they waste their time on meaningless chit-chat and scroll through social media feeling stressed and exhausted.

Instead of assuming you are less competent than everyone else, perhaps what you need is to work on these tiny weaknesses which are killing your productivity at work!

How to Solve Inefficiency at Work and Procrastination

#1: Avoid checking emails, social media and gossiping early in the morning


Checking your phone constantly leads you to procrastinate (Photo Credit: Pexels)

Here’s the big problem:

80% of us check our smartphone within the first 15 minutes of waking up every morning.

That 15 minutes of checking emails and social media kills productivity and encourages procrastination.

What we do every day, including those seemingly harmless habits and actions, matters to our lives in the long run.

When you start your day by scrolling through emails and social media, your day is guaranteed to start with distractions and stress.

You are bombarded with new messages and notifications which distract you from thinking about what you want to achieve daily.

And do you think you will stop scrolling after the first 15 minutes of your day?

Probably not! You will keep going back to your phone to check for notifications.

Being constantly distracted, you will not be able to complete your work within the day.

This will then encourage a negative cycle where you carry forward your uncompleted work from the previous day, along with the projects you need to settle by today.

Feeling distressed and unmotivated, you will retrieve your phone again to experience some instant pleasure from social media.

You will not be able to resist the temptation, unless you put a stop or fit in some alternative activities.

For instance, schedule your day in advance with some beneficial activities such as workout, meditation, listening to podcasts and journaling to reduce the possibility of reaching for your phone whenever you are free.

Chit-chatting As The Procrastination Promoter

This is exactly the same as chit-chatting with your colleagues. Instead of gossiping about current events early in the morning, have your chit-chats during your lunch breaks and tea breaks.

You will then see your pile of work getting smaller and smaller.

#2: Avoid multitasking

Resolve to do one thing at a time as it will save more time for other important activities (Photo Credit: Pexels)

You might think that by dealing with several tasks at the same time, you are being more productive.

However, have you ever experienced a scenario where you are checking too many tabs on a webpage and all of a sudden, you get distracted?

Often times, we never really multitask, instead we just move from one task to another within the time period.

Multitasking does not enhance our productivity, what we really need is the intense focus to complete one task at a time.

Be fully present to complete a task. Then, take a short break whenever you feel tired during the process.

Take a walk around the office or do some simple stretching before you continue. With this, you will be able to tick off tasks on your to-do list faster.

#3: Write down the three most important tasks of the day

You are less likely to procrastinate if you are clear about your daily goals. (Photo Credit: Pexels)

How long would it take you to write down three tasks you wish to accomplish every day? Not more than 20 minutes, right?

Forget about procrastination! You will be able to prioritise your tasks by scheduling your day with items that need your immediate attention.

Unlike checking your smartphone, writing down your daily top three goals will lead you to become more focused and clear about what you wish to achieve.

Having a much better start to the day, you will be able to see the compound effect in the long run, if you keep this as a daily habit.

Those goals that once seemed impossible are now feasible with your daily little yet continuous efforts.

Find out more on how you can map out your career as a working mother.

#4: Learn to collaborate and delegate

When you have someone to keep you on track, procrastination is less likely to take place. (Photo Credit: Freepik)

Having an accountability buddy is one of the simplest ways to stop procrastination. This is because whenever you are working by yourself, you tend to adapt based on your own pace.For starters, ask colleagues or anyone who is trustworthy enough to work together with you. Conduct a discussion on what needs to be done, set deadlines and delegate responsibilities for each task.

Have a weekly conversation and reflection moment to check your progress and understand how to improve the current situation.

Talk about your struggles and ask for some constructive advice whenever you need. With this, you can keep your momentum while preventing yourself from experiencing burnout.

Procrastination Is A Choice

We were never born to procrastinate; we can be productive and enthusiastic anytime, if we have the right daily life schedule and working habits.

Whenever you wish to distract yourself with social media, stop for a moment and think about the purpose of checking your phone.

Whenever you wish to open a new tab on your page, just to escape from your current task, get yourself a cup of tea first for a break.

Whenever you are uncertain about what to do today, take out a piece of paper and write out what needs to be completed.

Decide on what’s important and take action now. You own the choice of either being productive or distracted!