Mother, Baby & Kids

Pelvic Floor Exercises Can Prevent You From “peeing in your pants”


credit: PeriCoach

It is a normal thing when pregnant moms cannot control their Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) thus making them “pee in their pants”,  but worry not, pelvic floor exercise can prevent it from happening!

Moms shouldn’t be shy about this because the fetus is sitting on top if the PFM during pregnancy, and making the PFM weak thus cause you to “pee in your pants” every time you cough or sneeze.

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What is Pelvic Floor Muscle?



PFM are muscles that support organ from the abdominal cavity from dropping down. The pelvic floor muscle also supports your pelvic organs and the fetus when you are pregnant. Women can reduce the risk of miscarriage if they have a healthy PFM.

The pelvic floor is sometimes compared to a trampoline, as it can stretch in response to weight, and bounce up again.  Unlike a trampoline, however, if it bears weight for a long time, as it does during pregnancy, the muscles or tissues can become overstretched and weak.

credit: NASM blog

How to strengthen the PFM?

By performing pelvic floor exercises, you can strengthen the muscles. This exercises can also help to reduce or avoid stress incontinence after pregnancy. All pregnant women should do pelvic floor exercises, even if you’re young and not suffering from stress incontinence now.

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Will they get stronger by themselves?

NO. You need to exercise to strengthen it again. If you don’t strengthen the muscles after each baby, you’re likely to wet yourself more often when you reach middle age. PFM tend to weaken with age. Menopause can make incontinence worse.

How do I prevent?

It is usually very difficult for you to assess yourself if you are not of a medical background, it is always best to check with your Ob & Gynae Physician or go to a women’s health physiotherapist to get assessed.


This PFM topic will be discussed further in WWB, a workshop for learning and sharing among women in the aspect of health and fitness, particularly on the topic of Pre- and Post-natal. For more information, you may contact us at or get more information from

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Credit for information: Lavinia Chew, Physiotherapist, Founder of Flexmob Studios.