Mother, Baby & Kids

Organic Skincare For Babies

Your baby’s skin


Many parents worry about their baby’s well –being from almost every aspect, except what is being absorbed into their skin, but now that we know how harmful non-organic skincare products are for your skin, think about what they can do to a baby! A baby’s skin is fives times more thinner than an adult’s, making it more vulnerable and easily penetrable by the poisonous substances present in most un-organic skincare products, including some trusted baby skincare brands!

A baby’s skin is especially permeable – substance both healthy and unhealthy alike get to pass through the skin easily and into the body. Health risks including allergies, mental illness, nervous system disorders, endocrine dysfunction and increased rates of cancer have been hereby linked to the chemicals present not only in our environment but also in skincare. While everyone is at risk from such exposure, babies and young children pay the highest price.

A baby’s skin doesn’t produce enough oil to protect itself, while his immune system is still under-developed. Consequently, a baby’s skin is very reactive to environmental and direct irritants. Hence, it is not surprising to learn that skin problems account for a large number of unscheduled visits to the pediatrician’s office for babies.


Undeniable benefits

Choosing organic, all natural skincare products for your child can help reduce your worries regarding the well-being of your child from more than one aspect.  Firstly, you will know that nothing poisonous will be put on his skin or rubbed into it. The same goes for baby’s hair-care. You will rest easy knowing that everything that touches your baby’s skin and hair are ingredients that are nourishing and caring.  Secondly, by using only organic products, you can be sure that no poisonous chemicals will be absorbed into his bloodstream and make him ill with prolonged use. Organic products tend to be gentler yet more effective in caring for baby’s skin and hair, plus the authentic ingredients used does not clog up pores or dry up baby’s delicate skin.

Babies with extra sensitive skin will especially benefit from organic skin and hair care products, as testified by one mum whose daughter suffered from severe skin rashes when she was a baby. “ Sophia used to break out in rashes all over and nothing, not even popular and expensive rash creams worked. I was at my wits end. A nurse who worked at a holistic skincare center then suggested that I gently massaged Sophia’s skin with pure olive oil right after her bath when her


Organic from the start

It is an unpleasant truth that non-organic ingredients are grown with the aid of chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers – stuff that is simply not good for a human being or the environment. Many common ingredients, especially those with fatty structures, like oils, retain the residue of pesticides and fungicides used to “protect” them while they grow. These residues can be passed directly into the body even after undergoing various processes and manufactured into personal care products, even products for infants and babies. Organic ingredients however, are grown without chemicals in an attempt to provide manufacturers and ultimately consumers with the purest ingredients and products.


Awareness – A good beginning

By becoming aware of the true risks in using conventional skincare products and also the undisputed benefits of natural baby skincare,  you can now make smart, confident decisions about your baby’s health starting from what you put on his skin and scalp. As the popularity of organic skincare rises, parents today are fortunate enough to have access to a whole new array of chemical free products that are widely available. Genuine organic baby skincare products are generally  committed to providing parents with the highest quality of all natural skincare significantly derived from pure and natural ingredients. All it takes to advocate your right to provide the best care for your baby is to read the label on the products and make purchasing decisions that support the health of your family and ultimately, the planet.


Its your right!

Shopping organically helps protect the well-being of our children and as more and more parents become aware and exercise their rights to safer and healthier choices for their families, it might eventually help diminish the widespread and ongoing use of toxic chemicals contained in most skincare products. Wishful and far-fetched? Perhaps, but then again, if we, as a unified and informed community, insist on pure products, we may leverage a powerful influence on manufacturers. Together, it is possible to provide healthy, safe and effective skincare for our families and a better future for our children.

Organic baby body washes and baths do not contain SLS, therefore will not lather up as much as conventional washes and bath products. They are however richer with pure and natural ingredients and effectively cleanses a baby’s skin without drying it out.

Organic baby lotions and creams are generally not as thick and creamy as their conventional counterparts as they are made from the least ingredients as possible to prevent clogged pores and break-outs.