Mother, Baby & Kids

The Good And Bad Of Marrying A Younger Man


In Asian culture, most women would prefer marrying a man older than them. It’s extremely rare to hear a woman say, “I dream of marrying a guy younger than me.” It seems like a woman marrying someone younger than her only happens unexpectedly. It isn’t something that would sound ideal to most women.

Just like my parents, my mum is two years older than my dad. My mum never planned to marry someone younger than her. In fact, before she met my dad, she swore she would never date a guy younger than her. But look what happened in the end, they fell in love and nothing else mattered.

Here are some of the good and bad things you may face once you marry a younger man.


The good things

  • Marriage life can be more exciting

If you’re married to an older man, he may be more serious and would keep things mature all of the time. Being married to a younger man may spice things up a little more as he can be more adventurous compared to an older guy. Your dates may still be able to involve fun activities like hiking or going to concerts which are less likely to happen with someone older.

  • You feel younger when you’re with someone younger

Since they are more adventurous, they’re able to bring out the more youthful and vibrant part of you. When you’re older than him, he’ll see you as a smarter person and feel the need to please or impress you. This also applies to the fact that a younger guy will have more stamina and you’ll be able to feel younger even in the bedroom.

  • Less baggage

The younger and less experienced a man is, the more open he’ll be in a relationship with you. While you may bring your former boyfriends with you when you enter a new relationship, a younger guy is most likely to pack less. Like my own parents, my mum had one boyfriend before she was with my dad while my mum is my dad’s first and last girlfriend.

The bad things

  • Lack of financial security or stability

You may feel a little insecure when you’re already successful and established while he’s still getting started with his career. Or worse, some women end up more of a mother-figure instead of an equal partner. As some women would describe marrying a younger man as, “raising a child”. Some men may not even feel okay with this as he could not accept the fact that he is unable to provide for you.

  • You might feel like he doesn’t understand your problems

When he’s younger, he may appear to be a little childish when you’re expressing the problems you face to him. There are chances where you’ll feel as though he doesn’t understand you when you confide in him. He may be comforting you in his way, by taking what you said to him lightly in hopes of cheering you up but that may not be what you need.

  • Different goals

Due to him being younger or from a different generation, both of you may see things differently. You may want certain things in life while he wants something completely different. For example, you plan to have children before you reach your 40s but he doesn’t seem to be ready for a baby anytime soon yet.

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