Mother, Baby & Kids

Finding Hope For A Baby When You Have PCOS

Image by Maheen Fatima from Flickr

When I was a teenager, I remember being very happy when I didn’t have to deal with my monthly period because I felt like it was so troublesome. No need to worry about leaks in class or the possibility of cramps during examinations or sports day.

No period, no problems, right?

But I never thought about how it could be an issue when I grew up and wanted to have children.

By the time I went to the gynaecologist, he was shocked and said that I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or in short, PCOS.

For those who do not know, PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries. Your period may be very irregular or even non-existent. If you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant.

Image from Freepik

For many women, PCOS is like a death sentence. PCOS makes them feel like they’ll be barren all their lives. And really, PCOS tends to make women feel like they can’t fulfil their “womanly role”.

First things first, you’re a fully-functioning, able woman, even with PCOS – don’t ever doubt yourself!

Image by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Next, PCOS does not mean you’ll never get pregnant. It just means you don’t know when you’ll get pregnant!

We have a few tips for all women out there struggling with PCOS; a little encouragement so that you’ll remember to NEVER LOSE HOPE!

Get support

When this news hits, it hits hard. However, always remember that you don’t need to feel like you’re on your own. Well, you may feel it but that feeling is not reality. You need support to digest the news and people to journey with you through this seemingly dark moment.

Image by Julio César Velásquez Mejía from Pixabay

You can find support in your husband by explaining the situation with him (or just let your gynaecologist do that) and get emotional support from your family and friends (true friends will love you for you and not your womb’s current ability).

Also, find an encouraging gynaecologist. Sometimes, all you need is someone professional to tell you that it’s not the end of the road to your hopes of being a mother.

Some people may already be a mother but found out about their PCOS when they’re trying to conceive their second or third child.

If you think you’ve been cursed by such a health predicament, let me tell you about how common PCOS is.

In the United States alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 6 to 12% of childbearing women are affected by PCOS. This percentage amounts to 5 million women, just in that country alone!

Change your thinking

PCOS is not just a battle to get your hormones to work the way you want them to; it’s also a battle of the mind.

Image by cottonbro from Pexels

I think it’s important to remember that PCOS only takes away your preferred timeline for having a child, but not the possibility of having a child. Change your mindset from “never” to “it can happen at any time”.

You must be thinking, “Well, easier said than done!” and yes, that’s true because I live with it too.

Here’s the tough part: Changing my thinking happens every day. I can make up my mind to change and still feel the same way 5 days later when there’s a surge of baby pictures and videos posted by my peers on social media.

I sometimes get reminders from sticky notes on the refrigerator or my phone – because I do have down moments. I just have to let the feeling loom over me and pass, just like a cloud.

Changing your thinking is not automatic; it’s a daily choice.

Take care of your health

Image by mentatdgt from Pexels

PCOS comes with some symptoms, though they vary from one woman to another. Some may start gaining extra weight.

Some may experience hair loss and hair growth at the places you don’t want. Others may start having acne all over again.

But, did you know that you can manage the symptoms by leading a healthier lifestyle?

PCOS can cause higher levels of insulin in the body that helps lower blood sugar levels, but this also poses a problem, where insulin may stop responding; leading towards insulin resistance that may lead to diabetes. So, try to stay healthy by avoiding sugars and simple carbohydrates.

Don’t forget to get regular exercise into your schedule also as it can keep your blood sugar levels low.

You’ll also feel better about yourself after exercising; a great way to ward off negative thoughts about PCOS.

Don’t dismiss alternatives

Image by Elena Έλενα Kontogianni Κοντογιάννη from Pixabay

Again, let me say that PCOS does not condemn you to be childless for the rest of your life.

I had a friend who also had PCOS after she had her first child and she was devastated. So, after trying for several years, she decided to approach other alternatives to get pregnant.

Your gynaecologist may introduce Metformin to help restart your regular menstrual cycle and promote weight loss (please note that this is not a cure; just an alternative).

Or, they may introduce Clomid, a type of fertility drug that can cause women with PCOS to get pregnant (however, it’s not always successful). There are many more types of drugs your gynaecologist may recommend, from Letrozole to Gonadotropins that include injections.

You can also consider Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), where sperm is placed directly into the uterus of those who ovulate infrequently. There’s also in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), in which fertilisation happens outside the body before it’s implanted in you several days later.

Know when you ovulate

Image from Clearblue®

One way to maximise your chances of conceiving is to know when you ovulate. With PCOS, it can be at any time, and hence, it’s helpful to use an ovulation test.

I would like to introduce to you the Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test that uses your urine to accurately detect your LH surge, which happens 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. Because it’s digital, the results are over 99% accurate. Yes, it’s as accurate as a doctor’s test.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

All you have to do is to urinate on it and if you see a smiley face, that means an LH surge is detected. So now, all you have to do is prep the bedroom and invite your husband to “Netflix and chill” – no Netflix subscription required.

No pressure, but do note that this gives you a 48-hour gateway to make love to maximise your chances of becoming pregnant.

The pregnancy test

Image from Clearblue®

For those who suffer from PCOS, it’s a little harder for us to estimate if we’re pregnant or not. At the same time, we’re scared that the results may disappoint us. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you have the most accurate results with Clearblue® Digital Pregnancy Test.

It’s a midstream urine test, which 9 out of 10 women say that it’s “easy to use”. It’s also clinically proven to be over 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy with results in just 3 minutes!

Dear mummies-to-be, remember to not lose hope. Keep taking care of yourself and keep testing. Visit the Clearblue Official Brand Page here and don’t forget to enjoy 15% OFF Clearblue® PLUS Pregnancy Test today!