Mother, Baby & Kids

Motherhood Recipe: Dinner Special | Chicken Rice Pizza (For 6–8 Months)

Previously, we have shared with you your little one’s breakfast and lunch recipes. Today, we are going to share with you a special dinner meal that you can definitely do right at your home – Chicken Rice Pizza! This is a simple yet delicious recipe and we know that it will be your little one’s favourite meal in no time. Who says only the adults can eat pizza?




  1. Add egg into Gerber® Organic Rice Cereal and stir it well.
  2. Steam chicken fillet and shred it into small pieces (or you can blend it – any way that suits your baby’s taste).
  3. Chop spinach into small chunks.
  4. Mix all ingredients together.
  5. Heat up pure olive oil in a round pan, and pour in the mixture.
  6. Let it cook thoroughly.
  7. Once it is done, cut it into triangles just like pizza slices!


Nyum nyum, your pizza is ready to be served! To make it more interesting and appetising, you can decorate your pizza with funny faces by using tomatoes or other toppings that are baby-friendly.

Fun facts about spinach for your baby:

  • Spinach is rich in iron and calcium, which are good for a baby’s well-being and immune system.
  • Good for the eyes.
  • Spinach acts as an agent to prevent cancer.

By using healthy ingredients, you can now feed pizza to your baby (especially when he is asking for some when you are eating pizza as well).

During this pandemic, it is advisable for you to feed your baby with immune-boosting meals. A strong immune system is the key to keep your baby safe from any virus and infection.

Hey, good news for you! Now you can grab healthy ingredients and Gerber® products at Just #StayAtHome and you will receive your items right at your doorstep.