Mother, Baby & Kids

5 Common Discomforts and Harmless Pregnancy Pains That Expecting Mothers Should Know

woman have abdominal pain

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Pregnancy is definitely not an easy journey for mothers. Every pregnancy is a different experience for every mother, especially their first one.

When it comes to first pregnancy, mothers, of course, would overthink their pains during pregnancy when it is usually common and harmless. Pregnancy pain can vary from one person to another.


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Have you ever wondered, what kind of common and harmless pains do pregnant women experience? Is it constant? Or is it temporary? Here are some 5 frequent and harmless pregnancy pains that you should know!

#1 Breast Pain

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Sore boobs are very normal and typically nothing to think about during pregnancy, or before OR during your time, for that matter.

And if your breast pain goes away after the first trimester, that is great! However, do not worry as it is absolutely normal and it will certainly come as a relief for you. Similar to morning sickness, once you farther along, some symptoms easily go away. 

#2 Bloating

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Believe it or not, bloating happens to pregnant mothers too! Everybody hates the abdominal pain that bloating causes and it makes it even harder to wear your jeans.

Bloating happens because of the progesterone hormones that are being produced to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Progesterone smoothens muscle and this slows down digestion, allowing more time to reach your bloodstream and access your baby with the nutrients from the food you consume – which makes it a great news! Mum, you just have to bear with it as it is (actually) good for your baby. 

#3 Lower Back Pain

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In the early stage of pregnancy, the ligaments in your body gradually become softer during pregnancy and stretch to prepare you for childbirth.

This will increase the pain on your lower back and pelvis joints, which can cause discomfort on your back. To lessen back pain, I would suggest you to avoid lifting heavy items and preferably wear flat shoes.

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#4 Joint Pain

You may be having new kinds of aches and pains as you await for the birth of your precious baby.

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Leg and joint pain may be the result of extra weight that you have gained, body shape changes, and biomechanics during the second or third trimester.

According to health experts, fluid retention and joint laxity may also cause it. Exercises like calf stretches and ankle pumps may reduce the pain.

Read to know more about the other aches and pains during pregnancy, explained by Lavinia Chew, a Physiotherapist.

#5 Vaginal Discomfort

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During pregnancy, women will have various vaginal pressure experiences. Some may experience extreme pressure in the vagina, while others may have a dull ache all over the pelvis, or feel like their whole lower body is weighed down.

At the end of pregnancy, this pressure is mostly due to the weight of the baby pushing down on the pelvic floor. To improve this, you should try Yoga and Kegel exercise to lessen the pain.

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Remember that these are only common and harmless pregnancy pains that are usually experienced by expecting mothers.

Even though it is not severe and you are curious to know about the pain, do not hesitate to see a doctor and ask for professional advice for reassurance at it’s best.